Why 2016 will be the best year yet for the CAP Awards
The next 12 months look set to be the busiest yet for the CAP Awards as more healthcare and education providers seek to improve their housekeeping and catering offerings.
First class housekeeping and catering is absolutely vital to the smooth running of care homes, hospitals and schools – but their efforts can at times be overlooked.
In the coming year we’ll be helping these teams earn the recognition they deserve, demonstrating the importance of the work they carry out on a daily basis and helping them improve their practices.
In our CAP Award inspections and HOTSAP audits we’ll be encouraging bursars, chefs, and housekeeping managers to be positive, to identify the barriers to the delivery of the desired service and proactively push forward the solutions.
In our experience when housekeeping and catering teams take ownership of their challenges and opportunities it can create truly transformative results – and more often than not a prestigious Gold CAP Award!
At our HQ we’ll be busy developing the CAP Awards’ ‘Tools of the Trade’ package to offer even greater ongoing support to our wonderful members.
This toolkit will allow providers to take the pulse of the quality and financial health of their housekeeping and catering outputs at any particular moment so improvements can be made on an ongoing basis, not many months later.
As housekeeping and catering professionals we all know that any upgrade in our service has an instant impact on the people in our care, the CAP Awards toolkit will help you identify and make those adjustments fast.
Finally, expect to see a lot more of the CAP Awards and HOTSAP in 2016. We have some exciting plans in the pipeline to develop our own brand as well as increase the level of visibility we give to our housekeeping and catering teams.
Wishing you all a wonderful 2016 and we look forward to helping you win the recognition your team truly deserves this year.