One of the crucial factors in the success of every great team or workforce is having the right skills in place.

That’s why every fortnight at CAP we send our clients and members ‘A Skill Awareness of the Week’ as part of an on-going programme to help them learn specific skills crucial to working in catering and housekeeping.

As the demands of working in this sector continue to evolve it’s vital that your team is up to speed with the latest best practice.

At CAP we have identified 51 catering and 35 housekeeping ‘core skills’ which we use to help ‘up-skill’ teams in the healthcare and education sectors.

Our Core Skill Awareness Programme ensures every member of staff can learn the required skills at a pace that suits them and at a time that suits them.

Following the programme guarantees the quality of the service being provided. Individuals with the correct skills can communicate well and work well with others, whilst also being more equipped to do the job in hand.

Modern workplaces, especially within care homes, hospitals and schools, need to be flexible. By having a fully trained team it ensures all employees are well-equipped to carry out any task required.

The skills we cover include:
• Working safely
• Performing at the desired standard of work
• Being able to think critically, analyse situations and suggest courses of action
• Planning and organising work and carrying it through to completion
• Reflecting on the work that has been done and drawing conclusions for the future
• Communicating both orally and in writing
• Working with others

How it works:
• The ‘Core Skill’ worksheet being distributed in readiness for display in the following week
• ‘Sign-Off’ worksheet being included in the distribution per individual topic
• ‘Core Skill’ worksheet displayed in a prominent position within the department i.e. catering and/or housekeeping
• During the week, staff play particular attention to the ‘core skill’ and sign-off during the week as to understanding the needs/requirements of the particular ‘core skill’
• Supervisors monitor/observe the actual service delivery on the ‘core skill’ during the week and either sign the ‘Sign-Off’ worksheet in acknowledgement of the standards being deliver or re-train
• The end result is improved staff awareness of the working practices and standards with ‘evidenced’ Core Skill awareness

The annual CAP Award is inclusive of the programme although the Core Skill Awareness Programme is available outside of the annual CAP Award for a nominal annual investment. If you would like to know more please contact