This Friday is Care Home Open Day and care providers across the UK are inviting the general public into their homes to attend vintage tea parties, BBQs and summer fetes.
This national celebration is an excellent opportunity for communities to review their local home and to experience for themselves the true standard of care being provided.
For many, it will be the first time they have stepped inside a care home so we’ve prepared a visitors’ guide with tips on what to look out for and how to get a real sense of what life is like in the home.
• Look for the CQC ratings – as part of new regulations, these should be clearly displayed in the reception or foyer area.
• CAP Award plaques and notifications of other achievements by the home will also be displayed in the public areas. Investing resources in accreditations demonstrate that management takes the effective running of the home seriously and that they care about staff training and support.
• Speak with people, both staff and residents, to hear their views about the home and what it is like to live there.
• Taste the food – is it appetising? Is it nutritious? Do they use fresh produce? Is there a varied menu?
• What does the home smell like? Are rooms well ventilated and well lit? The living environment of a home is crucial to the well being of the residents.
• Are extra staff on hand to make sure cleaning levels are maintained throughout the day? This would give you a good indication of how well they plan their cleaning rotas, do spot checks and consider extra capacity usage or seasonal usage.
• Ask the staff to see the non-public areas in the home, the laundry room or the kitchen. Check for proper systems management and organisation. This is an open day and I’m sure the staff won’t have a problem with showing you around the working areas of the home.